Production sites
At our headquarters in Kaltenkirchen we process the casein extracted from the raw milk with the aid of state-of-the-art extrusion technology to produce soluble caseinate. The site also has the latest blending plant, which makes it possible to create customized products and adapt them to specific applications. For the blends, we use various dried milk substances, most of which we produce ourselves.
In 2003 we bought a former dairy in Leezen and established a production facility for milk protein. The key feature of the site is a fully automated casein plant from which we supply our extrusion plant in Kaltenkirchen with casein as a raw material. The whey resulting from casein production is also processed further in Leezen. Modern filtration techniques enable us to extract valuable raw materials for whey protein concentrate (WPC), milk calcium and lactose. A roller drying system also makes it possible to produce whole milk and cream powder and crumbs, a special product with a caramel flavour for the chocolate industry.
Lactoprot took over the site in Lübeck from Tate & Lyle in 2016. Since January 2017 we have produced various special mixtures and stabilizers on a total area of 3,000 square metres – for our own use and as a contract manufacturer. Since some of the blenders and lines can be wet-cleaned, the site enables us to produce a wider range of goods besides dairy products. Production according to kosher, halal and organic standards is possible here, too.
All in all, the site is designed for the production of 20,000 tonnes of packaged dry goods per annum. For this, we have three blending lines with a capacity of 1,500, 3,000 and 6,000 litres respectively and five packaging lines. An additional small pack line will be put into operation in 2018.
Besides our three sites in North Germany, we have established our subsidiary Dairyfood as a further mainstay of our business in South Germany. The company with around 35 employees in Riedlingen, in the pre-alpine region, has been a member of the Lactoprot family since 2013. With its own spray tower, microfiltration and ultrafiltration plant and various packaging lines, it processes an annual volume of some 250,000 tonnes of whey from the region into whey protein powder and lactose. Our whey proteins produced in Leezen are also dried in Riedlingen. In addition, the site has an electrodialysis plant for the production of demineralized whey derivatives. Besides cheese whey from the region, it processes organic-quality whey from Switzerland and Austria and goat whey from the whole of Europe.